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Business Sense Training Series for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

“Our business management coaching and Business Sense training series are designed to accelerate the growth of the enterprises we work with and expand the leadership capacity of the entrepreneurs who own and manage these businesses,” said VSJF Executive Director Ellen Kahler.

Business Sense Resources:
Click to access the new series modules and stay tuned in the coming weeks for the release of additional modules.

Module 1: Financial Literacy – Just Released1.1 The Importance of Financial Statements
1.2 The Importance of Cash Flow Statements
1.3 The Purpose of Business Controls
1.4 The Purpose of Internal Controls
1.5 Functional Roles and Detail on Different Levels of Enterprise Accounting
Module 2: Business Operations – Just Released2.1 Get it done. Systems and Operations
2.2 KPIs and Metrics
2.3 RASCI Chart – Who Does What?
Module 3: Business Governance and Leadership – Coming Soon
Module 4: Human Resources – Coming Soon
Module 5: Marketing – Coming Soon
Module 6: Sales – Coming Soon
The series was made possible in part by the generous support of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, the Vermont Farm and Forest Viability Program (a program of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board), and the SBA Community Navigator Pilot Program, facilitating VSJF’s ability to publish the resource as another way to help companies stay and grow in Vermont.

About VSJF’s Business Management Coaching Program

The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund provides tailored, high-touch planning, coaching, and advising for business owners and their management teams to advance profitability, job creation, and sustainable job development. Click for more information about business management coaching.


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