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Why am I a VWWC member?
by David Hurwitz, David Hurwitz Originals

David joined the VWWC in 2006 as a way to get more connection within the woodworking field in Vermont. He said that "being a one-man shop he is isolated, so it is beneficial for him and his business to connect with fellow woodworkers, to share knowledge and build camaraderie". Throughout his time in the Council, he has enjoyed the networking events and workshops which are not just informative, but sociable too. He is pleased with what the Council has done throughout his time in the group and he feels it is beneficial for members to be active participants saying, “You get out of it what you put in.” The more members show up, the better it is for the organization and its members.

Mailing Address
Vermont Wood Works Council
PO Box 26
Rupert, Vermont 05768
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